Friday, May 11, 2012

Is It Romantic?

Romantics a literary movement that started in Europe toward the end of the 18th century promoted the idea of self sufficiency and the soul of the human, it viewed the human body not only as a machine but something greater a physical structure that took hold of the soul or mind. Romantics challenged the views of god and promote the idea that without evidence there was no need to belief in god or religion for that matter. Romantics also apposed to idea of social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature. Basically the Romantic movement sought to oppose the belief of god and therefore change the way the majority of the world thought, to create what we contemporary humans are living.

The BBC documentary The Romantics exposed the previous idea of the movement however seen though the eyes of some of the most influential poets at the time. The documentary took the viewer into the world of each and every poet and expressed in detail the poets life, struggles, ideas and thoughts, which in my opinion helped the viewer understand in depth what the Romantic movement was all about.

The BBC documentary also enabled the reader to furthermore view what the movement was all about and emphasize the main ideas of the poets and thinkers. However I disliked the way that the narrator exposed the whole story as if there was some kind of funeral in the idea, maybe a more enthusiastic tone would have helped the viewer understand the topic in a clearer way.

Another interesting topic or idea about the documentary was the poets different personalities (celebrities, doctors, etc) but what all of them had in common was this sad or gloomy look on their face or their relatively similar thoughts about god and death.

As a whole the documentary was very efficient and it managed to give off the idea of the Romantic movement to the audience.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Ending The Web Talk

Talking to The CAM

THE END... Freedom

“Perhaps Doctor Mandalet would have understood if she had seen him-but it was too late; the shore was far behind her, and her strength was gone. She looked into the distance, and the old terror flamed up for an instant, then sank again. Edna heard her father´s voice and her sister Margarete´s. She heard the barking of an old dog that was chained to the sycamore tree. The spurs of the cavalry officer clanged as he walked across the porch. There was the hum of bees, and the musky odor of pinks filled the air.”

Edna is not the same woman we meet at the beginning of the novella her actions, thoughts and beliefs change throughout a series of events that happen to her. Even though she transforms into a woman that is far more mentally advanced than the rest of her society she manages to reach a place where she is able to make her own decision, love who she wants to love, do make and transform whatever she wants to. She also departs from the skin the label of being the property of her husband and thinks of herself as a new person that lives only for herself.

The last page of the book however send out a message that the only freedom a person can be able to achieve is death. I would say I viewed Edna’s death as a suicide but reading the text twice I realized she is not trying to kill herself. She only seeks to swim far out and meet death which at the end of the day is the only way of escaping the society in which she lives. Death is the only aspect of life (ironic right) that brings you freedom and all the feelings Edna seek to achieve in her life. I think of Edna as a woman that did not fear anything in her life and she saw death as the only way of reaching freedom at a 100%. At the end before she unites with death she feels herself being in a memory somewhere in her childhood which for her is the only aspect of life that in some sense gives her some peace of mind, it’s an escape from the adult world that takes hold of the woman and bring them to be someone’s property. Childhood is the place where you can be free and naïve but society quickly takes that away.

For Edna despite her struggle to find what she wanted in life and create mayhem around her she finally understood that society and the world in which she lived in is not yet ready for her and death despite bringing agony to others it’s her only way of finally managing to achieve what she truly wanted. Despite killing herself she stated before that she would never sacrifice herself for her children stating that her children even if they gave her happiness they would never be the reason to kill herself, her reason once again was to finally achieve what she had always been missing “freedom”. The book The Awakening in some way seeks to awaken the people that read it. I think it seeks to achieve some sort of impact on the reader to awaken him of make him find something that awakens him, for Edna her awakening was death.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Robert´s Gone...What A Bummer

Throughout chapter XV – XX the main conflict in the novella is Roberts’s departure and Edna’s constants depression and neglect towards her supposed chores.

I guess I was wrong when I said that Robert and Edna would have some kind of love related relationship but the reader learns that Robert is heading out to Mexico. Surprised by the news Edna decided to just ignore it and goes home mad. Adele comes and comforts her but Edna is to mad with Robert for not telling her. However Robert then appears and talks with Edna about the situation, Edna in some way is still mad with Robert for not telling her before. I believe that Edna obviously cares for Robert and in some way looks at him as much more that friends and Robert…Well Robert is in fact in love with Edna or at least has feeling for her, proving by hypothesis not entirely wrong.

During the next chapters Edna fights with the fact Robert has leaved town and decided to become even harsher and neglectful with her husband, leading Leonce to thinks she is crazy. Every so often as the novella progresses we find ourselves hooked with the fact that Edna is no longer the same woman that Chopin describes in the first chapters. She is known an intrepid woman that is able to stand for herself and discuss what she wants to discuss and what she doesn’t. In my opinion I think Edna is a role model to what will become of the contemporary culture, a woman that doesn’t fear what others say to her. Instead she fears what she cannot accomplish. What I mean by the previous statement is that Edna sees herself as a lonelier and with Robert gone she is exasperating even more the feeling leading her to fear what she cannot accomplish herself what she cannot reach in an ocean where the tide is against her.

Edna from my point of view, inferring from her actions is every time more concentrated on her own self and she even tells Adele that she would give anything for her kids except her life, which Adele disagrees saying that life is the greatest thing a mother could give up for her kids. In my opinion I think no one should give their life away for another one, every human being has a purpose on earth however it is thought that a mother’s love for their children overpasses any other desire. You could look at it from any angle you’d like and it’s just a matter of opinion and Edna feels that she is more important than any other person from the angle I see it, this could mean that Edna is no longer the expected mother Mr. Pontellier wishes her to be or maybe she never was. Even so I guess we will have answers for all this mystery’s by the end of the book.