Monday, January 16, 2012

The World Is Going to End!....Is It?

In the documentary Earth: The Operators Manual, Richard Alley gives the viewer information on how the world is using up most of its non-renewable energy like fossil fuels and points the finger to humans giving credible data on the amount of CO2 emitted by cars, factories, etc. It also explains the earth´s situation and gives of a perspective of what was the earths condition some 400,000 thousand years ago and relates it to our world temperature in the present. Unbelievably during the past couple of thousands of years the earth has been increasing and reducing its temperature by a natural process but since the Industrial Revolution the earth's temperature has increased almost by 150 CO2 [ppm]. I believe the earth is going to reach a point where there is no more fossils fuels and the earths warming will be too much for the humans to tolerate it unless some extreme and necessary actions are taken to reduce fossil fuel consumptions in the search of powering the earth on renewable energy.

Watching this Documentary makes me thinks on The Road and how the earth became such a horrible place for humans. Guessing by what Richard Alley explains I think the world could have ran out of fossil fuel and therefore food, products, and life supplies, making humans turn to cannibalism and other crude and medieval ideals. However I don't think The Road was a Global Warming effect since the video showed that the temperature of the earth is supposed to increase rapidly making the poles reach unbelievable temperatures due to the inclination of the earth when facing the sun, while in The Road the father and son are walking through snow and very cold temperatures to reach the coast which is supposed to be warm.

I think this Documentary will create some sort of awareness on people making them think of ways in which they can use renewable energy in their everyday life to be able to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels which will ultimately run out. I especially liked what the United States pentagon is doing to reduce their fossil fuel consumption and replace it for a green footprint. It only takes one person to start it and every time the effort for a "green" world has been growing and getting bigger and bigger.