Monday, March 12, 2012

What Is Robert Up To?

In chapter V we learn that Robert is not only a gentleman but also a very deceiving young adult. He leads woman from the Creole group to take him as a guy that will do any favor for them in exchange for what….I don't know, ask Robert maybe he knows why. However it is with Mrs. Pontellier, the lady she picked this summer which he behaves in a different way, he is in a constant pursuit to please her and make her feel comfortable however he fails and Mrs. Pontellier only feels awkward with his presence "During his oblivious attention he once quietly rested his head against Mrs. Pontelliers arm. As gently she repulsed him. Once again he repeated the offense. She could not but believe it to be thoughtlessness on his part; yet that was no reason she should submit to it." (Chopin, 31) I think Robert is a guy that is not very sure of what he wants at it is the only character in the novella that is detailed and does not have a lover. I belief Robert is a mysterious character I the story which I personally feel I cannot identify his true intentions and what is he planning when he devotes in service to the woman in the novella. Apart from the fact that he spends most of his time around woman which in context with the novella is not fairly common he is punished by Mrs. Ratignolle a close friend of Mrs. Pontellier for getting to close to Mrs. Pontellier and warns him she is not the typical woman, which I would have to agree with.

In chapter VI Mrs. Pontellier thinks of going for a swim to the beach and expresses what the ocean brings upon people the feeling of opening up to the unknown, to what people want to achieve and learn, what no other person or woman has ever seen and the chance to redeem or find a new path in life. I think the ocean gives Mrs. Pontellier a sense of achievement and encourages her to be more than what she thinks she is, to exceed what people think of her, and exceed in what she does. I like how Chopin uses the ocean to create a metaphor for live "How few of us ever emerge from such beginning! How many souls perish in its tumult!" describing it as a hard road that few have the chance to live it the way they'd like to and how many perish in the act of trying. Mrs. Pontellier from my point of view looks at herself as one of those souls that has to fight to emerge from the ocean.

Finally I liked how Mrs. Pontellier opened to her friend in such a way that Chopin gives us an illusion of a day dream, when she is actually talking to Mrs. Ratignolle about her husband and kids and how she really feels about them and the sense of not knowing if she really loves them in a way every mother should love his children. From another aspect I liked how Mrs. Pontellier describes her lives loves and ironically talked about how she ended with the only person she didn't truly love. Mrs. Pontellier without a doubt is a troubled woman but she in the insight has something very wise to tell to the reader and give off a message of what is fighting for what you want in your life, giving yourself the opportunity to strive for better.

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