Monday, March 19, 2012

Who Will I Choose?

I chapter X the party carries out in the beach and Edna is curious in why Robert hasn’t been stalking her per say. Once in the beach Edna finally adventures herself to explore the depths of the ocean or better yet just to swim far out and figures out it wasn’t as difficult as she thought it was, reflecting on how she used to puddle like a baby on the shores. Chopin from my point of view is using again an extended metaphor comparing Edna’s new found ability of swimming with the possibility of not being so susceptible to orders society imposes on her, for example orders her husband gives. Once Edna understood she know can swim out she walks home leaving behind his husband despite his demands to stay, however Roberts decides to go with her and accompany home. The sit a while on the front porch and Robert decides to accompany her until her husband comes back. At this point in the book I really feel that Robert and Edna´s relationship will reach a climax point. It is clear that both feel an attraction for each other even if they don’t know exactly what it is.

Edna chats with Robert and after a while they hear Leonce coming home and Robert bails out, Leonce tells Edna she should go inside and sleep but Edna refuses and asks herself what has happened with her “She perceived that her will had blazed up, stubborn and resistant. She could not at that moment have done other than denied and resisted. She wondered if her husband had ever spoken to her like that before, and if she had submitted to his command. Of course she had; she remembered that she had.” Edna as the novella continues starts to transform into a more respectable woman or in some sense arrogant, it seems at first as if her husband actually cares for her and asks her what she is doing outside and tells her the mosquitos will devour her, however Edna refuses to enter the house. It looks as if Edna is every time more arrogant towards her husband as if she didn’t care for him, as the night falls sleep wins the battle with Edna and decides to go to bed however Mr. Pontellier tells her he will finish his cigar and head over.

I belief the Pontelliers relationship is very close to an end even to the point that Edna likes to spend more with Robert, it seems as if Robert was Edna´s new boyfriend in the point that they cannot keep away from each other and have to walk every time side by side. Edna and Robert keep on going out to boat trips and even accompanies her to sleep to the point that he takes Mr. Pontelliers place and helps Edna take care of his sons winning. As I read this part of the novella I realized that what was susceptible to happen is now inevitable: Robert and Edna will end up hooked together.

1 comment:

  1. And let's see what happens to your prediction, but either way remember that you need to react to the text, more than summarize it.
